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Lessons in the pot of a Kitchen Rookie. Here are simple recipes to play around with ranging from different cultures in Africa through Europe to Asia, cooking and kitchen tips. Find out secrets that make an ordinary meal extra ordinary. Entertain yourself with the different stories of my life and join me in my small and humble kitchen.

Cheater's Capuccino

So we always hear "...hot cup of steamy coffee..."  or " would you like some ice Tea?", yah!
Yes! But today I have for you a recipe for a simple Iced Coffee aka cheater's capuccino and making it is as simple as one, two, three. I have no idea why she called it cheater's capuccino but one of my friends whose name I choose not to state here
;-) corrected me that it's not iced coffee but cheater's capuccino,  when I told her am making myself an Iced Coffee. I'll tell you what that means when I get a clue.
Ok seriously I know it's coffee and it's icy cold but actually it tastes like coffee flavoured ice cream.
Try it and see what I mean.
  • 8 teaspoons instant coffee granules. I am going to use Nescafe common in my country
  • 1 tablespoon sugar
  • 3/4 cup warm water
  • 3 cups cold milk
As easy as 1,2,3 steps
  • In sealable jar, combine instant coffee, sugar and warm water, cover the jar and shake until it is foamy.
  • Pour into a glass full of ice and fill the glass with milk.
  • Adjust to taste if necessary.