- Get ½ pint of milk, boil and let it cool
- In a clean glass bowl, spread a table spoon of plain yoghurt 9you can buy this from a grocery store nearby to start your process) into the dish surface. You can use more table spoons depending on the size of your dish
- Pour the milk into the glass dish
- Cover and place in a cool dry area, I usually keep mine on the top of my fridge
- Leave it there covered for 3 days
- On day 3, when you uncover you will find your milk gone sour to form a bongo
- Drain all the excess juices you find floating
And taadaa*** you have you sour milk/bongo/plain yoghurt
For the next making of Bongo use the remaining bongo and spread in the bowl instead of buying from the grocery store.
For the next making of Bongo use the remaining bongo and spread in the bowl instead of buying from the grocery store.
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